The term email forwarding describes an email message being forwarded from a recipient address towards a third-party address that's not listed as a recipient. For instance, a client sends out an email from their private mailbox to and as far as they're involved, it is the only recipient. If there's an active forwarding, the e-mail could be sent to, for example, even though the customer in no way intended the message to be sent there and might not be aware about the presence of this mail box. There are different reasons for using such forwarding. For instance, if you have a number of emails it is easy to forward them all to a one mailbox, which can make checking e-mails simpler and will allow you to get e-mails and respond on time. The function may also be used in case a number of individuals should receive a copy of an email message sent to a standard mail box.
E-mail Forwarding in Cloud Hosting
The Hepsia Control Panel, that comes with all of the cloud hosting plans, will help you forward any email address inside the account to an alternative one easily. You can do this either throughout the creation of a new mailbox or whenever you want later on if you choose that you'll need this feature. During the process, you are able to consider if you need a copy of the email messages to be kept on the server. This way, you will have a backup and you will prevent the possibility to lose an e-mail message if the forwarding is to an external address, that is momentarily unavailable. This feature can be activated and deactivated whenever you want, and if you use email messages for essential matters, it is best to use it, since no data of the email messages are maintained on the server if the option is not enabled. Any time you decide that you do not need forwarding any longer, it takes a mouse click to disable it.
E-mail Forwarding in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Using a semi-dedicated server plan from our company, it takes a few mouse clicks to forward any of your email addresses managed in the account to any third-party mailbox. You will be able to do that through the feature-rich Email Manager area of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel and throughout the task you could also decide if a copy of your email messages must be maintained on our servers or not. The last feature is optional, but rather useful as you will have a copy of your incoming emails, so regardless of whether something occurs with the other email address, you won't lose any info. You're able to activate or deactivate the forwarding for any mailbox whenever you want and forward the e-mails to a number of email addresses if you wish. Additionally, you will have the ability to see a list of all of the mailboxes that are being forwarded as well as exactly where the email messages are being forwarded to.